Today I only have time for a very short blog. This is a tribute blog to one of the areas of psychology that I have been involved in for many years – psychometrics. Without going into the whys and wherefores of the discipline, I wanted to say that this is a developing science that I’m proud to play, albeit a small, part in.
Psychometricians please stand up and take a bow. No longer the propeller-heads of the discipline, we are becoming a well recognised and in demand area of the psychology field. This blog is from 2006 and the trend towards being a ‘hot occupation’ continues to grow.
An article from the New York Times talks about how psychometricians, largely because of the No Child Left Behind Legislation (NCLB) are now “one of the most obscure, esoteric, and cerebral professions in America” and the profession “is also one of the hottest.”