What is Engagement and What Does it Mean for Business?
One of the words that is bandied around a lot here in England (where I am currently based) is the word ‘engagement’. Organisations want staff to be engaged but often don’t ask what this means for business. Presumably what people really want to have are more loyal employees leading to
The Great Divides in I/O Psychology: Divide 1 – Practitioner vs. Scientist
I have often discussed the role of science in our discipline and have argued that it has consistently played a back role to commercialisation and marketing. This is perhaps the greatest divide in the discipline. One of the more important journals to read in this regard is the June 2006
A thought for the day: ‘What do we really know about leadership?’ Having looked at research on leadership, I have concluded that current writing indicates more about traits that lead to effective work practices and timing one’s entry and exit to successful situations then it does about leadership per se.
The Real Basis for Personality Tools
Judging from the amount of private correspondence about my last blog, it seems that it has caused quite a stir. To be clear, I’m a fan of personality testing but am not a zealot. I believe it has a role in any thorough assessment process but: It should not be
Is Personality Testing Worth It?
People still continue to overweigh, and therefore over pay, for personality tests. Business leaders still continue to be caught up in the cult of personality and believe that there is a huge array of differences between various measures when they amount to the same thing.
The New MBA Oath
As covered in the Economist (June 6, 2009) some students are now taking an oath prior to graduation to operate in a manner that ‘will does no harm, ‘is ethical’ and ‘is in good faith’.
Great Companies Is As Much Random As It Is Process
Ahmed, M., Raynor, M, & Henderson, A. (2009). A Random Search for Excellence: Why “Great” Company Research Delivers Fables and Not Facts. Deloitte University Press. Abstract Many believe that we can learn how to be great by studying greatness. But what is great performance? It turns out that we typically